Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Stop dulling your roar"

For a few days now, I've been needing A Good Cry. I've been moody, I've been so grumpy even in the face of niceness, I've been short-tempered with colleagues and friends. I've been having Big Doubts, with capital letters, about a lot of things. And I've not been able to have the good cathartic sob I felt I needed.

And then I opened up My Clippings on my Kindle, and while listening to Crowder's Come as you are, I found 2 highlighted passages of Sarah Bessey's Jesus Feminist, and finally had a good cry.

 "The Kingdom of God will be better with your voice, your hands, your experiences, your stories, your truth. You can go where I cannot go, and someone needs to hear your song. You are someone's invitation. Rest in your God-breathed worth. Stop holding your breath, hiding your gifts, ducking your head, dulling your roar, distracting your soul, stilling your hands, quieting your voice and satiating your hunger with the lesser things of this world."

Yes. Stop dulling your roar.

"The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance, but live right in in, under its roof."

Yes. Live inside that hope.

I currently have no idea how; but I know that everything will be okay.

Thank you, Sarah.

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